There is a level of intimacy required!
There is a level of intimacy required! Do we believe more of what the enemy says to us or do what believe what God says about us? See as we focus on the things of God we will unlock more of his hidden secrets. As our relationship grow so does the level of intimacy as well. Yes " intimacy " I know as we think of the word intimacy some of our minds go directly to the bedroom. But God defined the bedroom in a marriage as undefiled (Hebrews 13:4) . I ask you to reflect on the amount of privacy the two of you desire to give one another in a marriage. Thinking through this concept I understand through the Holy Spirit. This level of intimacy is something that God desires to have with us. However, there are somethings that we have to be aware of. One most important things to remember is Satan does not have a book, yet we believe what he says to and about us while it is written in a book The Bible (B.asic I.nstruction B.efore L.eaving E.arth) with witnesses of what God says abo...