The Keys of Growth in Faith! Inspired by Bishop Bronner
The keys of Faith persistent - get it consistent - keep it grateful- get more of it (God will bless you with more) ____________________________ faithful people love, serve, and give Don't pray selfish prayers. We are in a community. Twelve is the number of order. The woman who had the issue of blood for 12 years. She was bleeding in a place of intimate relationships. God is shifting when the house comes to order everything in the house gets blessed. Structure has to come. God has been building the people before the building. God is stopping the bleeding through the pressure. God is not so interested in your comfort He is more interested in your development. It's not trying to make you bitter; it's making you better. Pressure is a gift from God that will stop us from bleeding out. Set your focus! The areas of your focus will be the area of your rewards. The area of your neglect will be the area of your pain. Whatever you take for granted will be taken away. The reason the ...